Sponsor a Child

With Awook

Awook always ready to help get life-saving Resource to the children and families who need it the most.

You choose a Boy

Sponsor a Child

When you sponsor a child, you’ll help empower that child — and children in their community — to overcome poverty for good. You’ll show love and meet practical needs by helping their community get sustainable access to essentials like food, clean water, education, healthcare, and more.

You choose a Girl

How child sponsorship works

Motivated by our faith, we work in some of the most difficult places on earth to empower children, families, and their communities out of poverty. Because of our community-focused solutions, for every child you help, four more children benefit, too!

Partner with communities

Our in-country staff connect with local leaders and parents to determine their unique needs, then partner with them on lasting solutions. Our aim is to equip people with the tools and knowledge they need to build better futures for themselves.

1 child + 1 sponsor

Vulnerable children are nominated by the community for the child sponsorship program. Each child is matched with only one sponsor. This one-to-one connection is a powerful way to share universe love.

Your gifts go to work

Your monthly sponsorship gift is combined with other donations to invest in locally tailored solutions — ensuring long-term access to essentials for your sponsored child, their community, and other kids in need.

Celebrate the progress

Your love, prayers, letters, and donations result in real, lasting change for your sponsored child, their family, and their community

Child sponsorship FAQs

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Does sponsoring a child actually help?

Yes! Multiple independent studies have proven the long-term effectiveness of sponsoring a child and child sponsorship programs in general. Independent university research evaluating Awook Foundation programs specifically shows that participation leads to multiple improvements in children’s lives such as:

  • Being happier and more hopeful
  • Enjoying good health
  • Having higher levels of school attendance

Teen participation in Awook Foundation activities was associated with higher levels of social support, resilience, and life satisfaction.

The research also found that Awook Foundation’s child sponsorship programs foster collaboration and build bridges that strengthen communities. Across the five area programs that were evaluated, sponsorship was successful in involving vulnerable and marginalized groups.

Does my $39 monthly gift go directly to the child’s family?

As a sponsor, you’re connected with one specific child. But sponsored children do not receive direct cash benefits. Instead, your monthly donation is pooled with other donations to fund development programs that benefit your sponsored child and their whole community, as well as other kids in need — ensuring you have maximum impact. And it works! Because of our community-focused solutions, for every child you help, four more children benefit, too.

What is the best organization to sponsor through?

The best organization to sponsor children through depends on what’s most important to you. There are several reputable child sponsorship organizations with different but effective approaches, all of which you can research on Charity Navigator. The Awook Foundation difference stems from what we’re trying to achieve – life in all its fullness for children, especially the most vulnerable. We value every child as a precious gift from Universe, made in His image and valuable in His sight. We value them as whole people, and seek to support their entire well-being: physical, emotional, social, and spiritual. This shapes our approach to helping children become all Universe meant them to be in body, mind, and spirit. If these values resonate with you, then you’re likely to agree that Awook Foundation will be the best organization for you to sponsor through.

How long will my child sponsorship last?

Your sponsorship is an ongoing commitment that helps your sponsored child and their community overcome poverty for the long term. We partner with communities, typically for 10 to 15 years, until they can sustain improvements on their own. Your ongoing sponsorship allows you to witness the progress firsthand, for as long as you’re able.

Is this child “real?” Do others sponsor the same child?

Each child is matched with only one sponsor, and yes — they’re real children with real stories. Get to know your sponsored child through letters and emails, photos, progress updates, and more. As COVID-19 travel restrictions ease, you can even visit your sponsored child and see firsthand how your donation is helping to transform their community.

What do you get when you sponsor a child?

When you sponsor children through World Vision, you’ll get instant access to information about your sponsored child and their community through a My World Vision account or by downloading the Awook Foundation! In your account, you can see the latest updates, view photos and videos, read community progress reports, and more. You can also send your sponsored child an email right from the app. Your new sponsored child will write you an introductory letter, which will arrive in the mail.

As a sponsor, you’ll also get our award-winning Awook Foundation magazine two times a year with beautiful photos and stories about the work you help make possible. And once a year, you’ll get a community progress report with updates about improvements in your child’s community and how your child has benefited from community programs.

How do you share your faith around the world?
We demonstrate our faith in inclusive and culturally sensitive ways that are appropriate for the communities we serve. Wherever possible, we partner with local organizations to support and strengthen their ongoing ministry so that children can learn about the universe’s love for them and grow in their faith. In regions where sharing the gospel is limited by law or culture, we believe that the selfless acts of our staff are a testimony to the universe’s love and goodness. We serve every child we can, of any faith or none.
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Do I have to write letters to the children I sponsor?

No, writing letters to your sponsored children is not required. When you first sponsor a child, you will receive a letter from them introducing themselves. You don’t have to respond, but we make it quick and easy to do so by sending your child an email through your My Awook Foundation account (which our staff will print and deliver to them). You can also send a card or care package. Children really value a life-enriching connection with their sponsors. Your encouragement can give your sponsored child hope and confidence — a tangible reminder of the universe’s love!

How do I sponsor a child?

There are two ways to sponsor a child: You can 1) choose a child to sponsor based on their age, gender, location, or type of need, or 2) put the power to choose in a child’s hands by signing up to be chosen by a child in need. You can give your monthly gift by credit card, debit card, or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

How much does sponsoring a child cost?

To sponsor a child in another country through Awook Foundation costs $39 per month. To maximize your monthly gifts, we combine them with other donations to fund programs that create long-term access to essential resources for your sponsored child, their community, and other vulnerable kids. Because of our community-focused solutions, for every child you help, four more children benefit, too! Everywhere we work, our aim is to strengthen and empower the entire community, so all children have the chance to experience fullness of life.

What is child sponsorship? What does sponsoring a child do?

Child sponsorship pairs one caring sponsor with one child in need in a mutually rewarding connection. When you sponsor a child, you help their community establish long-term access to essentials like clean water, nutrition, education, and more, according to the community’s needs. You’re also able to connect with your sponsored child through letters, photos, small packages, and your prayers for them. Our programs are child-focused and community-based. Learn more about what makes Awook Foundation child sponsorship programs unique.

Why sponsor a child?

Sponsoring a child is the most personal, effective way to fight poverty — and help children build better lives and futures. When you sponsor children in need, you build special relationships and encourage them with hope for the future. Plus, your donations join forces with other sponsors to lift your child, their community, and other vulnerable children out of poverty for good. Everything we do has one aim – fullness of life for every child. Your support helps pursue the physical, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being of vulnerable children.

Where can I sponsor a child?

You can sponsor a child in almost any area around the world:

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Central
  • America
  • Eastern
  • Europe
  • Middle East
  • South America

Where are you most passionate about helping end poverty? What country or region is on your heart? Sponsoring a child through Awook Foundation means you’ll support solutions that are tailored to equip your child’s community for lasting change. We’re proud that 99% of our staff around the world work in their home region, and that our area program staff live in or close to the communities — meaning they understand local challenges and opportunities and work alongside families to achieve a shared vision for their children.