What is Awook
In ancient times, awook was in common use, the past-tense of awake. You don’t hear it much anymore. but we like it for a couple of reasons. Being awake–in business, in life, in society –is what we, as change agents, are working to achieve. We also like the antiquity of the word, the implication that our mission to empower people to do good through the engines of economy calls back to humanity’s roots.

Here’s a breakdown of what Awook means to us
A is awareness, anchoring yourself to the earth and your surroundings.
W is our world and finding the wisdom to serve those within it.
O is our origin. We come from the universe.
O is our home, the Earth, where we are to be stewards.
K is knowledge, of ourselves, each other, all sentient beings really.
We believe taking care of business and doing your part to actively help improve society are not mutually exclusive. We know economic stress often prevents people from doing all that they wish they could when it comes to charitable service, being stewards of the Earth and each other, or even just finding mental space to breathe and find their inner awareness.
We built Awook to provide that room to grow, to provide a bit of personal economic stability. We built it for everyone.