Calculate Your Stablecoin Investment
Estimate based on the current
USDC price of $100,000

Calculate Your Stablecoin Investment
Estimate based on the current
USDC price of $100,000

Calculate Your Stablecoin Investment
Estimate based on the current
USDC price of $100,000

Calculate Your Stablecoin Investment
Estimate based on the current
USDC price of $100,000

1 Month
6 Months
12 Months
24 Months
Earn Up to 8% APY:
Get Paid Monthly
Turn your investment into a reliable passive income with Awook ‘s Stablecoin.

High Yields, Consumer Safety
Awook’s team of experts monitor global Stablecoin trends to secure the highest interest possible on your investment.  In addition, protection is provided through FDIC insurance for additional peace of mind.
Stablecoin: Your Path To Financial Freedom
Stablecoin USDC Account Basics
Think of Awook as your own personal piggy bank earning you high interest with little effort!
Once you deposit funds into your account, you immediately begin earning. There is no locked-in term. You begin earning interest from the start, with monthly interest payments, and you can withdraw funds whenever you need with your Awook Debit Card.

Fees and Interest

There are no fees to use your Awook Stablecoin savings account or debit card. Your interest yield is up to 8% APY, with daily interest growth, monthly compounded interest paid into your Awook Stablecoin account, and the potential to exponentially grow your savings.

Security and Safety
Your Stablecoin account is safe from the volatility of local currency inflation. Your account is additionally protected by our team of Cyber intelligence analysts and Critical Incident Response Experts who keep ahead of the curve blocking electronic threats to your account.