Charity > Business

Charity Is Greater Than Business is our fundamental philosophy. We believe service to others and taking care of business do not have to be mutually exclusive. But we also know that the struggle to make ends meet, maintaining family life, and especially the demands and assumptions of work leave many with precious few hours and energy left to do more than rest – and get ready for the next day’s grind.

We created Awook with these goals in mind

Normalize charitable service within entrepreneurial culture.

Encourage the development of overall life strategies emphasizing awareness of wider issues, and the desire to take action.

Mentor emerging, mid-career and executive entrepreneurs to create change agents.

Provide a tool generating a stable, passive income that helps make the above possible.

We don’t think this is wishful thinking. Awook’s architects all run successful businesses, and each found a way to take care of business while doing their part to make significant contributions to the world beyond themselves.

What Our Client Say

“First you have to resolve the base issue. Awook is one way to provide basic stability – room to breathe if you will. Awook can provide that secure base allowing a person to pull a little bit away fron the grind, to look up, become aware, and have the time and resources to contribute to society. Think of how many people would strive to uplift the world if given a chance.” — Dr. Ming Ho, co-founder.

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