Awook Mentorship Program

Changing the culture of business involves much more than holding a few workshops, roundtables or seminars. It requires dedication to doing the often difficult work of challenging assumptions inherent in the daily grind of work culture.

At Awook, we know that charity is greater than business, and taking care of business yet serving the greater good are not mutually exclusive.

Our mentorship program aims to normalize charitable service within entrepreneurial culture, providing practical tools as well exploration of overall life strategies designed to empower people to do good.

Mentorship Types

Broadly speaking, there are three types of mentorship commonly used in the business world.


Collective In this type, one mentor works with a group. Typically they are all at the same career level, but at times the group contains members with varied levels of experience.


One-on-One This is the approach familiar to most. A more experienced person is paired with an emerging talent, or perhaps with a mid-career person looking to move to the next phase of their career.


Virtual Under this increasingly popular model the mentorship happens from a distance. It can be collective or one-on-one, and it can take place over video or telephone

Awook Mentorship Accessibility

Structured mentorship that mainly benefits the privileged is of little use. Awook’s mentor program is open to people from all walks of life, no matter their educational level, current income, career phase or location. Through a mix of in-person and virtual offerings, our mentorship program will help you identify your goals, devise a strategy to get you there, and support you along the way. We will also help you build peer networks.

Mentor Training

Awook mentors come from all walks of life and a variety of industries. Before mentors are paired, we provide a range of training covering best practices to prepare them for their journey. These include (but are not limited to) soft skills, active listening, and implicit bias. After all, you can’t just put people together and expect a mentor/mentee relationship to spring up on its own. It takes cultivation. It takes care.

To learn more about the Awook Mentorship Program.

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