Awook Automotive

Getting You A Great Car at a Great Price

One of the benefits of your Awook membership is access to deep discounts using your Stablecoin account. We’ve got the ride to fit your style!

Choose from a wide range of makes and models

Click on your favorite brand to begin your search. Then select your preferred model. Car Shopping Best Practices

Shop From Home

Review and order from the safety and convenience of your home.


Quality Guaranteed

Our vehicles undergo a rigorous 150-point inspection before they’re approved for sale.

Test It to Love It

Test drive your car for three days, and if you don’t love it, return it and pick another.

30 Day Repair Coverage

If something goes wrong with the first 30 days of your purchase, bring it to our garage and our mechanics will take care of it.

Frequently Asked Question

Lease or buy?

The first thing you should decide is whether you want to lease or buy a car. There are different pros and cons to both leasing and buying, so it’s important to take your time to figure out which option would best suit you.

Figure out what you’re looking for

The “right car” is subjective. So it’s important to have a clear idea of what exactly you’re looking for. Are you looking to make a statement with a bright coloured Mercedes? Or are you looking for something sturdy and reliable, like Toyota? Having a good idea of what exactly
you’re looking for in a car and why you’re getting a car will give you a better idea of what is the “right car” for you.

Set a budget, and stick to it

I’m sure I don’t need to explain why this is important. While it’s important to find a car that meets all our wants and needs, making sure that car fits within our budget is also important. So, when you’re looking for cars, make sure you have a budget in mind for what you can and can’t afford. This will make it a lot easier to narrow down which car is for you.

Costs of ownership

Beyond just the cost of the car, you’ll also have to take into consideration how expensive that car will be to own. This will be especially prominent when deciding between an EV or ICE vehicle.

You’ll also have to consider depreciation costs, insurance and maintenance costs. This means you should look into the reliability and dependability of the car to estimate how expensive costs of ownership may be.

Still Have Questions?

Satisfied Drivers

“I couldn’t figure out why my business was failing to get traction. I tried SEO outlets, reviews on some of the big e-commerce sites, went to festivals and conventions, but nothing stuck. When signed on with Awook, it felt like everything changed overnight. They found what others couldn’t, and now I’m growing a customer base that feels more like a family.”  — Gloria L.

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