Lead Generation

Lead Generation is a bedrock of commerce. But pinpointing he right fit for your service or investment opportunity can be fraught with wading through outdated information, misaligned demographics  or other wasteful misfires. Awook’s  approach avoids all that through precise data use allowing you to find explore with laser accuracy. We can help you organically identify, nurture and ultimately convert  a potential prospect  into a long term client.

Global Database

When it comes to commerce in this digital age, borders are a state of mind. Business is global, and the perfect consumer for your product, service or investment opportunity could as easily be across the world as right next door. Awook’s proprietary A.I. can slice through the noise to match you with potential matching the exact demographic profile you seek. We might even come up with a few other you wouldn’t realize are a good fit for you — but our technology did.

Organic Call To Action.

Cold calling and sending random emails are a thing of the past. So, too is putting up a website and hoping someone notices. Finding the right lead requires pro-active effort, and Awook is expert at generating attention for your product, service or investment opportunity through a multi-pronged approach replacing prospecting with natural-seeming outreach .

End-to-end protection

Awook uses advanced technology to confirm the identities of our members, users and vendors within our networks. We verify so your transactions are as secure and fraud-free as possible, using methods ranging from biometric to archival. Be it identity, document or business verification, Awook covers all bases so you focus on what’s important.

A Client For Every Product, Service or Investment Opportunity

Your ideal client is out there. Awook will find them.

“I couldn’t figure out why my business was failing to get traction. I tried SEO outlets, reviews on some of the big e-commerce sites, went to festivals and conventions, but nothing stuck. When signed on with Awook, it felt like everything changed overnight. They found what others couldn’t, and now I’m growing a customer base that feels more like a family.”  — Gloria L.

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