Awook Verification Services

Customer verification is a vital part of modern commerce, especially with so much of today’s business conducted online. Awook uses the most advanced technology to confirm the identities of our members, users and vendors within our peer-to-peer networks. We verify so your transactions are as secure and fraud-free as possible.

Verification Basics

Identity Verification

Identity verification involves checking a user’s supplied information against independent data sources. These can include biometrics such as face recognition or utility bills to confirm proof of address.

Document Verification

Document Verification is another layer of identity confirmation through checking the validity of documents supplied by the user. In addition to the basic information such as name, age, and address, thorough document verification examines the detailed features of the item, such as watermarks and fonts. All types of documents fall under this category, from driver’s licenses to professional references and certificates.

Business Verification

Business verification is an essential step in making sure organizations are legitimate and uninvolved with illegal activity. It includes a wide range of actions including confirming the details of the business itself and its owners, reviewing official company documents, and detailing which jurisdictions the business and its individuals falls under

Awook Verification Services

In essence Awook provides a comprehensive Know Your Customer slate of services, with access to databases all over the globe. Our approach can help you create detailed profiles and grow your potential client and vendor base. Contact us today for more information.

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